Well, the effort and some might call it annoyance of getting our pictures taken, paid off. :) Michelle Rhodes took them, and she did a super job!! I really don't have much to say, except that I really love them! Oh, and Pierce is really starting to look older! Funny, how it takes pictures to notice that sometimes. Now, the really fun part for me, deciding which ones to frame!!!

Great looking pictures!!
Those are great!! Your kids are seriously cute!!
seriously, how blessed are YOU and PAUL!!!!!!!! for real , can i be part of your family and get in on these precious pics next spring?! we could be like the BG Brady Bunch?! Ha!
I LOVE them! My fav is the first one! You are a beeee-u-ti-ful lady! (& ur fams not too bad either!)
They're gorgeous! <3
Love love love
adorable!! what a beautiful family you have! we're thinking of getting darbi's haircut similar to hope's. it's so cute but i'm sooo nervous!!!
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