This time next week, I will be here. Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

I have been vacillating between feelings about this trip for months. Right now though, I'm leaning more toward excitement. I'm sure all moms would understand what I'm feeling, it's just the idea of letting go, even if it's just for 6 days. I'm used to being the one in charge/control (or the feeling of, I understand God is in fact in control) of things at home. The idea of handing the kids off for an extended time is scary to me. My parents will be here at our place, which is a first time (talk about trying to clean up your underwear drawers) and I know the kids will be in very capable, and slightly spoiling hands.
However, despite all my reservations and sinful fears, I am on board for this trip. Paul and our marriage come first, even above my children. So, with all this said and off my chest.... bring on sleeping in, feeding me and me alone, late nights, fruity drinks with umbrellas, strolls on the beach, bluest of waters, and a cute cabana boy I will nickname Carlos.
I understand you having mixed feelings. When you get there you will relax and have a great time. You can miss your kids and have a great time with your husband while you are away. Have fun and say hello to Carlos!
Sounds great!! Go and have fun and know you kids are in good hands!!
WOW! You are going to have a great time! Is it selfish to ask that you blog everyday again like you did in Michigan!? I mean, what else are you going to do whilst drinking fruity drinks & stalking Carlos?! :)
I completely understand!! Daniel wants to take a trip for our 10 year anniversary (July) and I'm soooo scared! HAVE FUN!!!! I can't wait to hear about it! I'm with every day....please!
Remember...I'm just letting you borrow Carlos. You may not have him.
I'd feel the same way, but at least your kids seem like they are at a great age for a trip like this. I am so excited for you! It sounds like an absolute blast. Soak it up! :)
I love it that you get to do this, again!!!! You are blessed to have people to help you with the kids, and you know the kids are going to love it!!!
I'll settle for a play by play when you get home :)
I understand your anxiety, but Holy often do you get go to places like that? Enjoy your husband and don't stress.
how awesome!! HAVE A GREAT TIME! i so understand being torn in two. you are going to have an amazing time, but you will be soooo thrilled to have your babies in your arms when you return!
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