Thanksgiving dinner is by far my favorite meal of the year. I just love dressing, sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, and pumpkin pie, YUM!! The turkey itself I've never been a big fan of though, it's always just so-so in my opinion. This year though the turkey was seriously wonderful, and guess who made it??
Look at the yummy bird just waiting to be eaten. Do you think that I made it? I know with my awesome pie baking skills your just sure that it was me...

You know better right? No, not me. Before I reveal, check out our place setting my mom had for us girls. We each got an ornament from Williamsburg, a Santa from Williamsburg and a tin of her homemade fudge. So nice!!

Here he is, the man with the golden turkey lurkey touch. He did a great job, it was for reals the best turkey I've ever eaten.

And then he carved it at the table like a scene from a movie. I kept joking that it would explode like the one in Christmas Vacation. But it did not, the whole meal was wonderful!

Pierce only had one thing on his mind on Thanksgiving, heck the whole weekend. Where are my cousins?

I wanted to capture some sweet memories in pictures (of course) and look who thought he was HI-LARIOUS taking these kinds of pictures of me. He actually said, "this is the face I wake up to everyday"

Take #2 honey.

No worries, I got him back.

We also celebrated my and Chris's birthday on Turkey Day, and this is the only picture Paul got. If I die before him, you better believe captured moments will cease.

Our Thanksgiving was good, and like every year I can't believe another one has come and gone. And I will leave you with my dad's traditional 'family round the table' photo.
That turkey does look wonderful! I'm with you, give me all the side dishes. Cute shirt.
I love that you guys all sit around one big ol' table!! so fun! :)
That was sweet of you mom to give all the girls those gifts. The turkey does look good.Great family photo.
Very impressed with Paul and his turkey! I love the sides, too! Looks like you all had a fantastic day!
This was the moment I was waiting for! The 'round the table' pic! Looks great!
I LOVE the pic of Rico cutting the turkey & everyone is just looking at him!
(I'm w/ you & JLL-I'd rather have all the sides! When mom was making me left overs for lunch she asked what I wanted. I said, "everything but turkey!") :)
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