Last time we were here (which was TWO! years ago) I did a post on what there's to do in Pam and Tom's town. Since it's been a while, and I think I may have had all of two readers then, I decided to re-visit that topic.
It's been unseasonably warm for Michigan, so I took the kids with me on the walk to see the town's hot spots.

While we were on the walk Pierce got a phone call from Sarah, and this was prime opportunity to photograph his outfit. He's been in hunter mode the.entire.time, and it's quite cute. BUT, mommy made a mistake when packing and didn't pack Pierce a belt. Duh mom. Hunters need belts for
their knives. What do you do when your desperate?
You wear your sisters
bejeweled and bedazzled belt of course. We can add it to the therapy list.
Okay, back to the towns happenings. This is a very small town, VERY. And I find it very comical, that they have a bar. Pam was telling me, it's quite busy on many
occasions, and that cracks me up.
After your drunken bender on Saturday, you can head to church on Sunday and listen to my father in law preach!
If your not the bar type, in the summer only, you can get yourself an ice cream cone.
There is also a gas station. And that's it!! The closest McDonald's is about 10 miles away, which I or Paul have made a trip for my diet coke everyday, because a girl has priorities of course.
You all know I'm a city girl all the way. I don't think I would do so well in such a small town, but as we were outside playing yesterday it was nice. There weren't people everywhere, and it just felt safe. If only they could get a mall to replace the bar then we would be golden. :)
What a cute little church!!
I love the church - looks like something out of a magazine. Its quite beautiful. really is lost in all of our "busyness" glad you are able to enjoy the quiet.
But I am SO WITH YOU on spending precious gas $ for the drive to McD's for a diet coke- I mean I wouldn't want you to DIE or anything. :))))
Glad you are having a good time, but it's time to come HOME!
I am glad you are blogging every day, I was afraid I would have to wait all week. I am even more glad you found another Diet Coke lover down there in Bowling Green.
LOVE the belt!!! Thanks for updating us while you are gone. Of course I guess we shouldn't feel that's not like there is anything else to do! ha ha! ;)
I find it interesting that you remembered Hope's belt, but not one for Pierce. You are definately NOT the 'outdoorsie' type. I also love the fact that Pierce actual wore the bedazzled belt. I guess the knife totally 'mans' it up huh?
Good to hear from you so much. Great idea to blog everyday...that way it doesn't seem such a daunting task!
Happy Birthday again!!! mu-wah!
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