Halloween 2011 has come and gone, and we have enough candy to last us until Easter!! :)
Can't believe we are in November already! Now things get really crazy until January. Yikes.
Back to Halloween though. Our fun started with a fall party at Pierce's school. I was one of the moms who volunteered to help out, and I was given the food job. Sugar high, anyone?

Drum roll.......
A cowgirl and Snake Eyes!! And for those who don't know who Snake Eyes is (such as myself) he's a G.I. dude.
We got to spend some time with some other very cute characters. Mickey Mouse, who at 1 years old thought he could pull the gang all around ;) A firefighter, and Buzz Lightyear!!
Where Blake and Brittany live they have an area called "Pumpkin Alley"
And let me tell you, it was neat! It reminded me of the scene in E.T. where all the kids were trick or treating. I heard today that they estimated about 900 people there! It didn't feel like chaos though, it was more like a nice festival.
The streets were lined with carved pumpkins and bags, and all the houses were decorated. People sat outside and handed out their candy. Last year, we didn't know anyone and had to trick or treat at the mall, it sure beat out that ghetto scene.
And many of the adults were dressed up too. I had to take a picture of this one for all my Colts peeps. Check him out! Peyton Manning with a neck injury. Ha ha ha.
My kids got to run up to many homes....
And even get candy from some interesting characters.
After a couple hours of Halloween fun, our kids were getting cold and tired.
And some took advantage of the ride to sit back and relax. ;)
It really was a great night! We ended up at Nat and Cindy's house for taco soup and the kids had a chance to play some more. I am very appreciative of being invited and included along. :)

Lastly, today at Hope's school they had a 'parade' for the kids to come and walk and show off their costumes. All of the parents were lined up like paparazzi, flashing pic after pic, and you would know that my daughter LOVED that. ;)
She kept posing for me, one angle after the other.
Eventually though, the attitude did show. Hey, it's not easy being chased after by the paparazzi, everyone has their breaking point. ;)
Now the countdown to Thanksgiving is on!! Gobble, Gobble!!!

I'm so thankful you didn't have to go to the mall this year!!!! We missed you hanging in our hood. :( Hope looked adorable!! And Pierce looked cute too (can you say that about Snake Eyes?) Pumpkin Alley looked really fun!!
That looks like a neat place to go trick or treating!! The kiddos looked cute in their outfits!!
Love the kids' costumes. I had no idea who Snakes Eyes was! Love the Pumpkin Alley idea. Too fun!
Looks like I'm going to have to head down to Bowling Green next year since I'm not good enough for the hood!
What a fun place to trick or treat!! :)
Great pics! I'm with Jami, we are coming down there next year!
that's a fun place for trick or treating! the peyton manning injured played poured a little salt in my wound...but it is funny!!
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