Pierce's class keeps a journal and they write in it every day, look at his entry for today. 'My favorite time of day is gowing hom be cos I git to see my famliy' Sweet boy.

Pierce has also been asking every day to get on the computer and look up toys he would like for Christmas. I told him to write down exactly what it is he sees that he likes. When I said "exactly" he took it and ran with it. Look under the toy description 'be the first to review'

And lastly, we had to do a timeline project for Pierce's class, I think it turned out pretty cute. (who has a nasty mouse pad?)

Let me tell you something my
sweet husband said though. I was telling Paul that this would be hanging outside the classroom on the bulletin board for everyone to see, "you are putting THIS picture of you on here for everyone to see?" Why yes, schmoopie poo I am!

Nothing like a little positive reinforcement the same day you had to see a dermatologist for acne. 37 years old, acne and gray hair, oh and I have TMJ and need dental work. Good thing I can still wow people with my charming personality. :)))))
Be the first to review, that is hilarious! I love that picture of you guys after you had Hope, I just want to go pinch those little cheeks of Pierce's.
Be the first to review....hilarious!!! I was just this morning that I am going to be 33 soon. ugh!! sucks to get old!
Great job Pierce!!
Love Pierce!! ;)
Don't you love it when our husbands suggest how beautiful we are in the inside? :/
Go Pierce! Nothing like a little uplifting encouragement from your partner in life! :)
UHM, you are a hot mess, aren't you?
The toy list is hilarious!
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