Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Green belt

Pierce is still in Tae Kwon Do, but I wasn't so sure for a while. Around the holiday's we kind of got out of the habit of going, so much so, that he missed a testing cycle. Normally they move up about every 6 weeks, but he's been an orange belt now for about 12 weeks. His dad and I had to have a talk with him, and let him know that if he didn't want to do this anymore, that's fine, but it was time to quit then. At first, he wanted to quit, he just seemed ready to move on. But being the 7 years old he is, and one who has a hard time make a firm decision, he later decided he would keep doing it. Shew!

We were still behind and he had to really push his self this time to get his green belt. And that he did. He dug deep and learned all of his form, and we were hitting practice almost every day. All his hard work payed off, and last night he moved to a green belt. 

He's even decided he wants to do the upcoming tournament in March. This will be the first time that he competes against other kids, actually sparring for points. 

Just like this here. 
 Paul and I were shocked at how aggressive our normally passive son was when it came time to fight. And I'm feeling a little like the Karate Kid's mom too. I mean a tournament and everything? Nobody better swipe his leg like they did to Daniel son though. (If you didn't grow up watching that movie, you don't know what I speak of)
Paul and I are so proud of Pierce. He's such a good boy, and it's awesome how hard he's worked to keep achieving these goals.

And I think it's safe to say, he's pretty proud too.


Susie said...

Wow!! Great job Pierce!!

Jill said...

Way to go, Pierce! I'd be nervous, too, Mom! ;)

Jami said...

Just plain cuteness! It's so hard to find something they are interested in at this age, good for him for keeping it up.

the lewis gang said...

i've always thought we'd do something like that with jackson. i have a student at school in karate, and i know it helps with self-control and focus. it's so neat that he's doing it. good job, pierce!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

This is great! We've talked a lot about putting Sam into something like this. We just haven't because of the time commitment. Nice work! :)

Jaime Mac said...

Wow, great job, Pierce!

(And YES I totally got the karate kid reference!!!)