Jaime Mac, you might want to look away now, because I'm about to glamorize the heck out of country life.
I am a city girl to the core, no doubt about it. But I wish I was a county girl, well, except for the county music part of it. PASS.
But I've decided I have THE perfect idea of the country life.....Farm approximately 10 miles from the nearest mall, Starbucks, and Target, and cute farm hands to do all the work. Once I line all that up, I'm in.
Because having this in my back yard as opposed to Wal-Mart, would be lovely.
Sunday after church, Brittany and I loaded up and headed to her parents farm in Owensboro. She had been wanting us to come see it, and with Paul gone, it was perfect timing to go. It was also a beautiful setting to take some more pictures of the kids, and just wait till you see them.....DIE.
It took no time to realize, the kids were going to have a blast here.You know what's nice for a parent? To watch your kids have fun for an hour straight playing with something as simple as a hammock. No television, no computers, no video games, just imaginations at work....
And while they probably would have been content to play with that silly hammock all day, there was a really big treat in store for them!!
Feeding baby cows!!!
It was the sweetest!
Those little cows mean business on those bottles.
And the kids jumped right in to feed them....
Farm life seeming more appealing all the time.
Like baby cows just randomly in the middle of a field,
And gorgeous views.
And THIS right here, which totally freaked me out.
And the end result of the ride? This right here. GORGEOUS!
Of course, city girl was just slightly freaked out at the idea of romping through the crick.
Some strange water borne illness might lurk in there. Or even worse? A snake. But I relaxed and let them frolic away.

And I amazed and astonished our children, when I decided to frolic along with them.
In my Sunday dress no less.This was such an awesome day.
So grateful to Brittany's parents for their hospitality, and showing this city girl how the other half live.
With proof positive right here of a successful day.
UHM, ok.... city chick. Yes, the country is pretty. Yes, the baby cows are cute. It's nice for an afternoon...but talk to me when you LIVED there for an entire.long.drawn.out.lifetime. :)
(I just wish I had a Target (or a mall!!! Oh, the humanity!) 5 minutes away. Just getting a gallon of milk is a 30 minute ordeal. Sigh...)
Good post tho! LOVE the crick pics!
Love the pics. What a gorgeous farm! I am right there with you. . .live in the country with a Target within 10 minutes in a new old house. Dave not so much. But a girl can dream! ;)
That is beautiful! Such a simple life.
Beautiful pics Gretchen!! I think I could handle that lifestyle for a little while, nothing like getting back to nature! It is so healthy and fun for kids to experience all of what you and Brittany gave them and allowed them to take part in on this adventure :)
What a great place!! Those are some great pictures of the children!! Love the cow feeding ones!!
Being a country gal I sometimes long for city life but know my heart is definitely in the country. It's such a slower paced way of living and that part of it I love passionately. I live in KY, a few hours from Owensboro. It's beautiful country. I'm even further back in the hills than where you visited. Can you imagine that? I had to lol at "crick". Here in my neck of the woods we call it a creek! See, told you, I"m a true hillbilly :)
yes, you are a city girl , wearing your church clothes to the farm. :) and Pierce in his polo. Would Paul approve of his son in such attire? hee hee
WOW! Those are some great pics!! Love feeding the cow! That's just fun!
How beautiful! I agree, if I could have that about 10 miles away from shopping then all would be well.
I know where the next girls weekend will be... ;)
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