Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My little hoarder

My little blue eyed, precious boy. The one that I would die for, the one that I would take on a 2 ton grizzly bear for, the one that I would scale Mt. Everest for, makes me crazy. You see, he likes to keep EVERYTHING. Any little trinket he picks up, any little thing from school, anything that is bought for him. It's all gotta stay, and it all needs to be displayed.

Example right here. Shelves are loaded with things.
 And I go through phases with this. Sometimes I just let it go, and try and ignore it.
 But eventually, I can't stand it anymore, and I just have to purge.
 And while I'm in the throws of purging and being frustrated with my precious blue eyed boy
 I come across things he's drawn or written
 And just like that I'm mush. And somehow appreciate my little hoarder and what makes him, well, him.
 Not to say that I didn't try and tidy up some of that stuff! But now in a I am appreciative of who you are, kind of way.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

that is SO Sam! We've said it before. He and Pierce are a lot alike! It drives me bananas! I have to purge sometimes....while he sleeps! :)

Tracey said...

You know I am SOOOOO with you on this. I mean, heck, Levi doesn't even want to throw his trash away at school. He puts it in his backpack. God love them!!!

the lewis gang said...

sweet post! i don't know what i'll do if one of mine is a hoarder! makes me skin crawl just thinking about it!