Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Report card time

Man, I still remember that sick feeling I would get right before report cards were handed out. And now, I kinda get it right before I look at Pierce's. I know he's doing well, but it's just that universal grade fear. Just like the reoccurring dream I have over and over, the one where I am to be in class and have an assignment due, but of course it's not done. I just have a fear when it comes to learning, I guess. Ha!

Pierce got his report card today and everything looks good! They took a group reading assessment and diagnostic evaluation, and one for math too. In reading he tested right at average, and in math he tested above average. On his teachers progress report she said he's working at grade level in each area, except for follows direction/rules, and there he scored working above grave level. That does my heart good. :))

A few special notes....

'Pierce continues to grow academically and socially. He is very good at math and a pleasure to have in class.'

 'Pierce is a leader among his peers.'

And do you like my ghetto attempt to cover up the other names? If I were computer clever, I could just blur them out, but I'm not, so here you go. ANYWAYS, he is a leader in handwriting! :))

We are so very proud of you, Pierce Matthew.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

AWESOME JOB!!! I love your little pieces of paper!! ha ha ha!

Susie said...

Good job Pierce!!

Jami said...

Way to go Pierce! I know you are one proud momma!