Thursday, April 19, 2012

My sweet friends.

For about 5 months now, I (along with many other ladies) have been going twice a month to visit with some women. These are women (men and children) who live in a foreign land to them, living around unfamiliar people, learning an unknown language, and have very limited resources. Can you imagine how scary that would be?

Let me back up a little bit though. This for me, is all very new. I've never been out of my comfort zone, and always lived a very sheltered life so to speak. Reaching others, and people in need was never on my radar, for various reasons. Main reason though? Just plain selfish. 

I was always too busy thinking about me. My home, my needs, my children, my hangups, my people's hangups. ME. ME. ME. 

But you want to know what can change all of that real quick, fast  and in a hurry? 

Lose your possessions.

All of a sudden, things become clear. Crystal clear in fact.

  The things you once thought were important? Eh, not so important after all. I can remember begging God, "If you would just help us out of this, I will help others, I promise."

Well, God answered, and now it's my time to do what I can. I'm sad, it took all of that to open my eyes, but I'm grateful to have finally had them opened. But this really isn't about me. All I wanted to do was introduce you to my sweet friends....


Jill said...

Love this, Gretchen! It is definitely so easy to get consumed with our own issues and life. Love the pic of your sweet friends. ♥

Cindy said...

Awesome! Yes, sometimes we have to go to some pretty dark places to see the true light but those things make you who you are. Blessed to know you!!!!

Jami said...

How sweet!! It's so hard to get out of our comfort zone, but oh so rewarding.

Susie said...

How sweet!!

Arthur Family said...

Gretchen, you always make me cry, darn it! I know what you mean about having all of these things happen and FINALLY you realize what you were supposed to learn. Awesome that God is using you this way!

Jaime Mac said...

What a great thing to give of yourself for others!
(Don't worry about what you haven't done or didn't do all these years. That's the past. THIS is the present & you're making changes for the better that will last forever!)
And I can't help but notice maybe Brittany has had a positive influence on your selfishness? Thank God for her! Love you! ;)