Monday, April 23, 2012

One Earth Day, we ALL went geocaching.

My cute children, suffering yet again for me to take another picture. It was Sunday, and as on most Sunday's I always make them pose for me, into the DIRECT sunlight. Brilliant mom.
 Sunday, also happened to be Earth Day! Normally, I would not know that, but people were talking about it online, so going geocaching with the family, felt sorta earthy. Still quite chilly yesterday, but I didn't want to be the big bore and stay home again, so off we all went.
 Pierce was our compass man.
 Compass gives you directions where to go, and how much further you have.
 Being directionally challenged as I am, honestly more like handicapped, I just looked around and acted like I knew what we were doing.
 Once you get to the area where your cache is, you just start searching.
 And searching...
 And searching...
 And if you enjoy searching, this is the game for you!!
 I searched too, but my attention only holds so long. Plus I was cold, so I stole Paul's jacket and just tried my best to keep my mouth shut, as to not ruin their fun.
 Paul is sooooo much more determined than me. After 10 minutes, I was like, mmmmm k, it's not here, let's go.
 But his persistence paid off, because check it out, he found it, in a rock.
 Someone took the time and effort to drill a hole in a rock.
 And a tiny piece of paper inside, said rock.
 To sign and let the geocachers of the world know, I too, found this. I rule.
 My cup of tea? No. But I'm always up for getting out with my family, and the kids had a great time.

Anytime the family has fun, I in turn have fun, and any day that ends with mud on the bum I declare success.


Jami said...

I've gotta say, I think this sound a bit fun.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I would love to know what Paul thought about going geocaching with Posh Spice. Seriously. Huge sunglasses, lip gloss and a big pouty pout. ;)

Susie said...

I'm sorry but that doesn't sound fun to me!! But being with the family will make it ok!!

Angie said...

I think I'd totally enjoy this LOL! I'm weird, I know :)

Tracey said...

I think I would rather have gone shopping.

Jaime Mac said...

This is a form of torture. Really. And how many people can sign the piece of paper they found in that rock? It was tiny. Sheesh.
Good for you for going, but I think I'd have to come up with someone else next time the subject of geowhatever comes up.