This post will be a little all over the place, so bear with it please.
Look who is into pretending she's going to have a baby.....

Beautiful pink baby monkey, that she always names, Hope. :-)
So, I decided today that we should do some Christmas baking. Before we were getting started, I got out all my stuff, and look who pulled a big ol' Tracey. Expires, Nov 15, 07. Oops...
Is it just me, or does baking always seem better in theory and idea, than the actual doing it?? Well, I know it's not just me, it was Tracey that said, "I always envision us sipping hot chocolate, Christmas music playing, and the children saying how much they love me. When in fact we end up acting like Sanford and Son." BA HA HA.
The kids were super excited though, and even had to put on their aprons for baking.
I would say, for about every 3 that we decorated, 1 was eaten.

And this one, ended up so messy..
That I just had to take her straight to the bathtub.
Where I taught her the important act of putting your hair up in a towel. Just one step closer to womanhood now. :-)
Lastly, Jaime Mac brought up another idea of another blog off topic. Christmas cards. Do we send them? Why do we send them, etc..

My take on Christmas cards is that it's just part of the whole tradition thing. I read that they got started in England in like 1840 or something like that. I have gone years where I did not send them, and some years I do. If I don't get one from somebody, I do not get in my feelings hurt or anything like that. However, I really do enjoy getting them!! :)
It is always fun to make cookies with the kids!!
I laughed at the shrapnel left on the counter after baking! That's what happens to me too! Plus my sink is full of measuring cups, spoons & different sized bowls! Blah! :)
Love and miss that girl.
This is going to sound bad, I don't even own a rolling pin. I know I should get one, just in case, but I just avoid anything that needs one.
Love the third pic and how "sincere" Hope looks after birthing the monkey! Lol! Um, I'd love to have sip hot chocolate and sit and have a little peace and calm. . .not happening here, either! Way to keep it real! :)
Loved every bit of this post! :)
Awesome that you are ghetto like me and use expired stuff!!! I miss those babies!!
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